Product & UX/UI Designer

Sears: Mobile Homepage Redesign

Mobile and Customer First Homepage Redesign


Defining the Problem

The Sears mobile homepage is a one size fits all deal-centric marketing page that puts the business drivers above the customers’ shopping habits and personalization needs.


Design Workshop Plan

We set up a three-week design workshop bringing together Product Managers, Design, Research, and Architecture to ideate, design, prototype, and validate a new mobile-first homepage experience focused on our customers' shopping styles. The multi-disciplinary team worked together to understand the customers' shopping motivation and the desire to move to a more personalized experience with every visit. We looked to create a new homepage that both supported the business’s seasonal promotional needs and also create a "choose your own adventure" style interaction for customer personalization.

Role: Lead UI Designer


Understanding What Drives Our Customers


Shopper Personas

Focused Shopper
A motivated shopper focused on finding a specific product. Customers may also rely on search to find the specific products.


Window Shopper
A shopper looking for inspiration by browsing product to product and could be enticed by the right deal


Deal Hunter
A shopper motivated by saving money and willing to wait for the right deal.


New Hero Carousel Component

I designed a new modular carousel component to contribute back into Sears’s Content Management System. This component would not only bring a richer stylized browsing experience to the shoppers but would also support the business's needs, showcasing holiday and promotional product deals.


Browsing In the Hands of Our Shoppers

We designed the new mobile homepage to be a scrolling “choose your own adventure” style experience for the customer.

Customer curated:
Under the hero component, we positioned the top nine category links based on product performance and seasonal popularity. If the customer chooses one of those categories (Appliances) the rest of the homepage would automatically curate a category-focused experience.


Business curated:
If the customer scrolled past the category section, the homepage would automatically shift to the business-curated homepage showcasing a broad range of product categories and deals.